How To Reactivate Microsoft Office Without Activation Password For Mac

Head to a command prompt with admin privileges. Go to the program folder for the version of Office you have installed. “C: program files (x86) Microsoft Office Office15” “16” etc. Run cscript OSPP.VBS /dstatus to list the keys that are installed. I had two keys. Then run cscript OSPP.VBS /unpkey:KEY for each key you have to remove them. The problem that brought me to this thread was a copy of Office 2016 refusing to activate, despite having made the account and tying it to the serial number (I am certain I typed the address and password no less than forty times).

For Office for Mac, you can have up to 25 licenses associated with the same Microsoft account: only one license for an Office 365 subscription and multiple one-time-use installs of Office for Mac Home and Student or Home and Business. If you have multiple Mac licenses associated with the same Microsoft account, it's best to start with an Office 365 subscription. A one-time-use license can not be deactivated. If you don’t have an Office 365 subscription, start by using the license at the top of the list and moving your way down. There isn't a way to track your one-time licenses so we recommend you keep a list as to which license is activated on which device. If you don’t remember which license was used, you'll have to go through a process of elimination to determine which ones you've used so far.

On this page: • • Installation and activation • Go to in. (You'll need to log into IUware, even if you are already logged into.) • Click Get product key to see your assigned product key.

• On the, enter your 25-character product key from IUware, and click Get Started. • On the 'Welcome to Office Online' page: • If you already have a Microsoft account: At, enter your Microsoft account email address and password. • If you don't have a Microsoft account: Create one, as follows: • At the bottom of the page, click Sign up now and complete the required fields. UITS recommends creating an account with your primary IU email address (e.g., to ensure the least margin of error. • You'll receive an email message requesting verification.

How To Reactivate Microsoft Office Without Activation Password For Mac

Follow the instructions to finish creating the account. The Microsoft account must show the 'Microsoft Office Home & Business 2016 for Mac' registration in step 5.

If this is not completed, it will not be possible to activate the Office 2016 product after installation. If you downloaded the.dmg file from IUware, open the Finder, select Downloads, and then open Microsoft Office 2016 Installer.pkg. Click Continue. • Once Office is installed, a new window will open.

Click Get started. • You will be prompted to sign in to activate Office. Select Sign In, and then enter the email address and password for the account that you activated with the Office 2016 product key from IUware. • Enter your Microsoft account email address and click Next. • Choose Microsoft account. • Finish the activation process by signing in with your Microsoft credentials.

• In the 'How would you like Office to look' interface, choose Colorful or Classic, and then click Continue. You should then have full use of Office 2016. Troubleshooting To troubleshoot installation or activation errors, see the.

My company has Office 365, an E3 agreement. All of our clients run Office ProPlus 2013 (the office 365 deployment). We completed our rollout in either late Feb or early March of this year. Recently, we have had an uncommon amount of turnover / new hires / department moves. I would say in the last month, we have had 4 people leave the company, 3 new hires, and someone change departments. In most of these situations, the machine was not wiped clean and started fresh, simple because the new people / transfer were basically replacing the people that left. Because of this, the office 365 installation on these machines was originally activated under the accounts for the person that left.